Lights and... action!

The lighting sector is an area that we are passionate about, lamps of all kinds and product improvement projects. Do not hesitate to consult with us, because here we only show you a little bit.

Design of household lamps

Projects for companies such as Simon, Lamp, Kamisafe, Yiyang; Shangping or the online store Dengwu.

Table lamps

Tabletop lights, multifunctional and practical.

And not only design...

We also offer engineering solutions, this is an example of one such solution

In 2011, we collaborated with the company LAMP,

Project: Developing improvement proposals for its ECO and MINI ECO street lights, adapting components and complying with current PL regulations according to EN ISO 13849-1.

Team: In this project carried out entirely in our office in Barcelona, required the profiles of: Project Manager, 2 industrial designers and 1 mechanical engineer.

Very dim light means only a few photons. Seeing electrons involves modifying them.

Lighting for hospitals and health centers.

In the health sector, it is an indispensable tool.

Lamps that combine bright light or a warm and cozy atmosphere. We are committed to providing the best indoor LED lighting solutions for healthcare applications. We recognize the importance of sustainable solutions that provide healthcare facilities with high-quality, energy-efficient lighting.

Colors depend on the light you see

Any space needs a light adapted to it.

A lamp usually has a lifespan of several years, sometimes even decades and the design cannot be transient.

Obviously, we do not adapt to the styles requested by our customers. Classic, Modern, Unusual, Minimalist, Exclusive...

Timeless designs

A lamp usually has a lifespan of several years, sometimes even decades and the design cannot be transient

Obviously, we do not adapt to the styles requested by our customers. Classic, Modern, Unusual, Minimalist, Exclusive...

Other projects


Be there when you need to be there. Cashkeeper is one of those companies that are a pleasure to work with, with very clear ideas but also open to new proposals.

Audio Streamer

Winner of an IF Design Award 2019. Magic Sound is an Audio Streamer that executes more than 33 sounds.

Loading points

We have participated in projects for the design of charging points for land vehicles.